Since the beginning of my residency in Paris in 2013 I have been fascinated by the phenomena of contemporary, sight seeing pilgrimage to visit the achievements of European Culture. Paris bears much of its heritage. The remaining’s of this heritage have become symbols of our identity and possibly may have transcended towards icons of almost religious character. Paris is constantly, being swarmed by tourists in search of these very icons. Are the visitors, the sightseers programmed?
I composed a series of works that are generated by these phenomena. As computer generated photographic images they document the mass phenomena of such pilgrimage. nike is generated by recording one row of pixels per second.
2013, Photographic piece, 77.90 x 137.44 cm, inkjet print, colour
2018, Spot on Nairs, Fundatziun Nairs, Scuol
2017, WEIN WOLKE, 6 1/2, ZÜRICH
2014, Grosse Regionale, Kunst(Zeug)Haus, Rapperswil-Jona
2013, Open Studios, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris